Specialty Products
When it comes to custom solutions, MFG Construction and Water Products (MFG CWP) can develop specialty products that deliver outstanding value and outperform comparable construction alternatives such as steel.
Custom Solution
MFG CWP was awarded a one of a kind architectural project at the Texas A & M University campus – a dramatic spiral staircase requiring three large-scale fiberglass reinforced plastic forms (one for each floor) as molds for concrete stairways.
Before the composite forms were made, MFG CWP used engineering drawings to create pre-construction replicas of finished stairway sections out of wood and Masonite. Once forms were complete they were shipped to the Texas A & M campus for pouring of the cement. Prior to the first layer of cement, MFG CWP applied a sandable gel coat that provided a finished surface for the cement. We also used steel bar-reinforced shapes to form the stairway’s sweeping shape and connect the platform landings.
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